PK XD Play with your Friends
PK XD Play with your Friends
Game rating

OS: IOS AndroId

Version: 0.36.0

Updated: September 2, 2021

Size: 366.91MB

Developer: PlayKids Inc

Game-homes only includes the official package of the game, and all download links jump to the official platforms such as the App Store and Nintendo. There is no malware, and it is not shared with developers. Please feel free to click download.



Welcome PK XD!

Do you want to explore this universe and join the millions of people around the world?! Join us and reach new levels of fun!

PK XD is a social game with an open world where you can create a character image, decorate a home, interact with other players and visit their homes.

Talk to your friends, the world is yours! Besides exploring and facing challenges, you can try different activities: relax on a float, eat ice cream, jump really high with energy, dance and have fun with your community!

A lot of basic decorations are free, so you can create an outstanding home without spending anything. Supposedly, you can earn money in the game to buy furniture, clothing, decorations and other unique items to create unique characters and rooms, and can edit them at any time during the game.

But you're not the only one with a home in PK XD, you can explore the entire online world. Visit other players' homes, chat with them, walk around the city, buy food, and attend parties ...... Much like games like Hotel Habbo, most of your time in PK XD will be spent personalizing settings and interacting with players.

Challenge your friends with trivia pictures PK XD There's always something new! Play mini-games and complete tasks in each season. How about running like crazy or delivering pizzas to earn coins? Chat and relax with your friends It's your own virtual world! You can do whatever you want to do. So, besides exploring the world and accepting challenges, you can also try different activities like relaxing on a float, eating ice cream, jumping with "power-ups", dancing with different moves and styles, and having lots of fun with your friends.

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How To Play

The first thing you need to do to start a new game is to create your custom character. The game has a colorful sci-fi style and offers plenty of character creation options. You can create a character first and then decorate your house - three rooms and a hall.

Adopt a pet. With virtual pets, your experience will be complete! From common to rare, find many cute creatures to accompany you in the game. Take good care of them and see how much they can evolve around you!

Create your avatar, your character, your rules! You can be anything you want and use your imagination to combine all available items: monster slippers, futuristic boots, amazing wings, ninja swords, cat masks, clothes for fashionistas and much more.

Participate in the events, we always plan very special moments for you to enjoy! Take part in our Halloween, Easter and Christmas events, with amazing decorations, challenges and themed items on the island!

Build the home of your dreams and decorate the perfect house as you wish. Your imagination is the only limit! Look at all the items you can find: cloud sofas, dance mats, upholstery, player chairs, kitchen items, bathroom items and more!

Challenge your friends with trivia gamesPlay the most fun trivia games with your friends. How about participating in a mad dash, breaking a pet parade record or delivering pizzas to earn coins? Enter Arcade and win all the challenges!

PK XD is a very interesting social game with fascinating graphics and endless possibilities. Try it out, create your own character and start exploring!

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